美國布朗大學(Brown University)認知科學博士 (2014)
美國波士頓大學(Boston University)心理學碩士 (2008)
國立陽明交通大學博雅書苑副書苑長 (2023-Present)
國立陽明交通大學心智哲學研究所合聘副教授 (2023-Present)
國立陽明交通大學神經科學研究所專任副教授 (2023-Present)
國立陽明交通大學心智哲學研究所專任副教授 (2023)
國立陽明交通大學心智哲學研究所專任助理教授 (2022-2023)
國立陽明交通大學神經科學研究所合聘助理教授 (2021-2023)
國立陽明交通大學人文與社會教育中心專任助理教授 (2021-2022)
國立陽明大學神經科學研究所合聘助理教授 (2017-2021)
國立陽明大學人文與社會教育中心專任助理教授 (2014-2021)
國立陽明交通大學醫學院網路教學評量優良教師(2014-2023, 12次獲選)
Representative Papers
- Liu, Y.-H., Lin, Y.-C., Shih, L.-C., Lin, C.-P., & Chang, L.-H.* (2024), Dissociation of Focal and Large-Scale Inhibitory Functions in the Older Adults: A Multimodal MRI Study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 127:105583 (*Corresponding author)
- Lin, N., S.-H., Lien, Y., Shibata, K., Sasaki, Y., & Watanabe, T., Lin, C.-P.,Chang, L.-H. *(2023), The phase of plasticity-induced neurochemicalchanges of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationare different from visual perceptual learning.Scientific Reports, 13: 5720.(SCI) (*Corresponding author)
- Lin, Y.-C.#, Lien, Y.#, Lin, N., S.-H., Kung, Y.-C., Huang, C.-C., Lin, C.-P.,Chang, L.-H.*(2022). Baseline cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in afferent and efferentpathways reveal dissociable improvements in visuomotor learning. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:904564 (*Corresponding author)
- Lin, Y.-C., Chung, C.-P., Peng, L.-N., Lee, W.-J., Lee, P.-L., Chou, K.-H.,Chang, L.-H., Lin, S.-Y., Lee, Y.-J., Lin, C.-P., Wang, P.-N. (2022), The Flexibility of Physio-Cognitive Decline Syndrome: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Frontiers in Public health, 10:820383
- Lien, Y., Lin, Y.-C., Lin, N., S.-H., Lin, C.-P., Chang, L.-H.* , (2022). Frequency-dependent effects of cerebellar rTMS on visuomotor accuracy. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16: 804027 (*Corresponding author)
- Lin, Y.-C., Hsu, C.-C. H., Wang, P.-N., Lin, C.-P., Chang, L.-H*. (2020). The relationship between Zebrin expression and Cerebellar functions: Insights from Neuroimaging studies. Frontiers in Neurology, 11:315 (*Corresponding author)
- Kang, D., Kim, D., Chang, L.-H., Kim, Y., Takahash, E., Cain, M.S., Watanabe, T., Sasaki, Y. (2018). Structural and Functional Connectivity Changes Beyond Visual Cortex in a Later Phase of Visual Perceptual Learning. Scientific Reports, Mar 26;8(1):5186
- Shibata, K., Sasaki, Y., Bang J.W., Walsh, E., Machizwa, M.G., Masako, T., Chang, L.-H. & Watanabe, T. (2017) Overlearning hyper-stabilizes a skill by rapidly making neurochemical processing inhibitory-dominant. Nature Neuroscience, Mar;20(3):470-475
- Chang, L.-H*., Yotsumoto, Y.*, Salat, D., Andersen, G. J., Watanabe, T., & Sasaki, Y (2015). Reduction in the retinotopic early visual cortex with normal aging and magnitude of perceptual learning. Neurobiology of Aging, Jan; 36(1); p315-322. (*Equal contributions)
- Chang, L.-H., Shibata, K., Andersen, G. J., Sasaki, Y, & Watanabe, T. (2014). Age-related declines of stability in visual perceptual learning. Current Biology, 24(24):2926-9.
- Yotsumoto, Y.*, Chang, L.-H.*, Ni, R., Pierce, R., Andersen, G. J., Watanabe, T., & Sasaki, Y. (2014) White matter in the older brain is more plastic than in the younger brain., Nature Communications, Nov; 5:5504. (SCI) (*Equal contributions共同第一作者)
- Yotsumoto Y., Watanabe, T., Chang, L.-H., & Sasaki, Y. (2013). Consolidated learning can be susceptible to gradually-developing interference in prolonged motor learning. Front. Comput Neurosci, May 28;7:69.
- Shibata, K., Chang, L.-H., Kim, D., Nanez, J., Kamitani, Y., Watanabe, T., & Sasaki, Y. (2012). Decoding Reveals Plasticity in V3A as a Result of Motion Perceptual Learning. PLoS One, Aug; 7(8): e44003, Epub.
- Choi, H., Chang, L.-H., Shibata, K., Sasaki, Y., & Watanabe, T. (2012). Resetting capacity limitations: Long-lasting elimination of attentional blink by training. Proc Natl Acad Sci (PNAS), Jul;109(30):12242-7.
- Yotsumoto Y., Chang, L.-H., Watanabe, T., & Sasaki, Y. (2009). Interference and feature specificity in visual perceptual learning. Vision Research, Oct;49(21):2611-23.
Research Interest
- 老化對於我們的心智與大腦功能的影響到底是什麼?
- 高齡者的認知與知覺功能的退化有可能透過外在的刺激或認知訓練而改變嗎?
Yotsumoto, Chang et al., (2014), Nature Communications
Lien et al., (2022), Lin et al., (2022), Frontiers in Neuroscience
跨顱磁刺激(transcranial magnetic stimulation, TMS)能夠藉由特製線圈產生的電流變化製造外加感應磁場透過非侵入式的方式促進或是抑制大腦皮質的活性,特別是重複性跨顱磁刺激(rTMS)在近年也發展出許多針對臨床難治型憂鬱症患者改善憂鬱的症狀。而我們實驗室則透過rTMS產生的頻率依賴效應來觀察不同頻率的磁刺激對於認知功能、知覺學習與視覺動作、動作適應等學習歷程的影響,結合腦造影以及磁振頻譜的技術來探討跨顱磁刺激與大腦可塑性背後可能的神經機制。
Lin et al., (2023), Scientific Reports
心理與行為實驗、視網膜皮質拓樸分析(Retinotopic Mapping)、功能性磁振造影(FMRI)、磁振頻譜分析(MRS)與跨顱磁刺激(TMS)