【神經科學研究所學術講座】3/10(週四)13:20陳品豪博士:Taking a computational social neuroscience approach to examine social psychological processes.

【神經科學研究所學術講座】3/3(週四)13:20明智煥博士:Circadian clock networks in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, in the brain, and across the whole body.

【生命科學院─生物醫學講座】3/2(週三)15:30焦傳金博士:Cephalopods as model animals for neuroscience research: historical perspectives and modern approaches.

【神研所40週年─神經科學系列講座十】2/21(週一)12:00-13:30 呂采宜博士後研究員:Noradrenergic signaling regulates calcium dynamics in oligodendrocyte precursor cells in the mouse cortex .

【神研所40週年─神經科學系列講座九】2/11(週五)9:00-10:30 許立明博士後研究員:Investigating functional networks in the rodent brain as a model for human disease modeling.

【神研所40週年─神經科學系列講座八】1/28(週五)12:00-13:30 呂文心博士後研究員:CPEB controls translation in synaptic plasticity and memory.